Thank you for making an appointment to have your hearing tested!
Making the decision to have your hearing tested is the first step towards improving your quality of life. Visiting us is a huge step towards better hearing – and it is easier than what you might think.
We always recommend that you bring a relative or a good friend. After the test, you will also find that it is nice to be able to discuss the results with someone else who was actually there with you.
We know it is an important decision that you have made and we would like to do everything possible to ensure you have an awesome experience with us.
Here is some information that we think might help you to have a better idea of what to expect when you come for your appointment:
How long will the evaluation last?
Depending on the types of tests that need to be conducted, the evaluation can be anything between an hour and an hour and a half for a hearing test or up to four hours for a comprehensive dizziness assessment.
Will it hurt?
No! All the tests are done electronically and for some of the tests you don’t even need to participate in the testing procedure, you can just sit back and relax while the audiologist does everything for you.
Which tests will be conducted?
A complete diagnostic evaluation will be conducted to ensure that all the different aspects of your condition is evaluated. We pride ourselves on thorough testing with state of the art technology in order to give you the most accurate diagnosis and/or recommendations.
What a hearing test tells you?
When you visit our hearing clinic you will be in caring hands. A trained Hearing Care Professional will be ready to deal with your concerns and provide you with a full hearing check-up. The test itself takes place in a quiet room or soundproof booth, where you place a headset on and sit comfortably. You will be asked to identify and respond to different sounds.
How does a hearing evaluation work?
The Audiologist will assess the integrity of your hearing system by a series of tests mostly consisting of short bursts of different types of sounds. She will also ask you to repeat some words or just to sit back while the machine measures the integrity of your hearing system.
From these tests, the Audiologist will be able to tell you:
• How much you can hear in each ear independently
• How well you hear the loudness and pitch of the different sounds
• What impact this has on your ability to communicate
Do I need a doctor’s referral before I can have the tests done?
No, you don’t. You are welcome to make an appointment without a referral from your general practictioner.
When will I have the test results?
When you have your hearing tested, the results will be discussed with your immediately after the tests have been done.
For dizziness and balance assessments, the general indication of the results will be discussed but an in depth report will be emailed to you and/or the referring doctor within a few days after the tests have been done.
Should you need to be referred for any further assessment, this will be discussed with you after the evaluation has been completed.
Do I need to claim from my medical aid?
No, you don’t. We will claim directly from your medical aid on your behalf. Should you wish to claim yourself, you are welcome to do so, please inform the receptionist, and a detailed invoice will be sent you.
How much does the evaluation cost?
We ask 100% standard medical aid tariffs, which is usually between R 900.00 – R 1600.00 for a complete diagnostic hearing evaluation, depending on which tests are conducted as well as the scheme rate.
For a dizziness and/or balance assessment, the cost is usually between R5000 – R7000 depending on the referral as well as the patient’s symptoms, both of which will determine which tests need to be conducted.
What if I do not have a medical aid or my medical aid is exhausted?
We will still use the medical aid tariffs when invoicing you, but there is a 10% discount on any accounts that we do not need to submit to the medical aid – whether you pay privately or if you wish to submit the claim to your medical aid yourself. This discount will only be applicable if the account is settled immediately and in full on the day of the evaluation.
What our clients say
“I would recommend the Dizziness & Hearing Clinic to anyone for the personal attention, warm and understanding atmosphere and professional, caring and quality service. Hendrika de Clercq is a warm well qualified and experienced audiologist who is concerned about her patients, really loves her field and her work and gives back to the community. She is a dedicated and inspirational community builder and facilitator.” – Cooper”
The First step towards improving your quality of life…
Making the decision to have your hearing tested, is the first step towards improving your quality of life. Take a minute to think about what it would mean to you and your family if you could:
- Hear and understand much more
- Laugh with – and get closer to – the people you love
- Feel relaxed rather than drained after a long conversation
- No longer be embarrassed by misunderstandings or having to ask people to repeat themselves
- Hear and understand the soft voices of children
- Tell where sounds are coming from and know which way to look
- Listen to TV and radio with others at a volume that suits you
We hope this has answered some of your questions, but should you have any other questions, please feel free to contact us and we will gladly provide you with more detailed information!